If you did not find your answer in the FAQ, please send us an inquiry to the Customer Service Center.
How to send an inquiry 1
1. Go to Settings in the Game > Select the 'Help' button
2. Search for your answer in the Help window
3. If you do not find what you are looking for, select the 'CONTACT US' button at the very end of the search result window
4. Write your inquiry with as much detail as you can provide and send
How to send an inquiry 1
1. Go to Settings in the Game > Select the 'Help' button
2. Search for your answer in the Help window
3. If you do not find what you are looking for, select the 'CONTACT US' button at the very end of the search result window
4. Write your inquiry with as much detail as you can provide and send
How to send an inquiry 2
1. Go to Settings in the Game > Select the 'Help' button
2. Select the FAQ category related to your inquiry > Select and check the FAQ to find your answer
3. If you cannot find the answer in the FAQ, select the inquiry button('Contact Us' or

4. Write your inquiry with as much detail as you can provide and send