Coco's Flower Basket is an Event where you get Points according to the Rank (Bud, Leaves, White Flower and Star Flower) that you get when you clear each Stage. Once you reach a certain amount of Points, you will get Rewards.

You will get Rewards for reaching the target Points, and Rewards can be acquired multiple times within the Event period depending on the cumulative Points.

However, if you clear a Stage that you have already cleared, with a higher Rank, the Points will be excluded from the previous clear Points.
Example) During the Coco’s Flower Basket Event period, if a stage is cleared with a White Flower Rank and later on is cleared with a Star Flower Rank when you try the Stage again, the Points that you received previously for getting a White Flower Rank, will be excluded from the Points that you get for clearing the Stage with a Star Flower Rank.

Coco's Flower Basket Event opens irregularly, and if the Coco's Flower Basket Event starts, you can see the icon on the right side of the World Map.

- You can get 1 to 2 Rewards from the Reward List.

※Important: Only normal Stages are subject to this Event, and Event/Special Stages such as Adventure Mode, Special Chapter, Bingo, Special Bingo, etc. are excluded from the clear conditions.