The Magic Watering Can Event is an event that gives you Support Items when you clear the Stages consecutively, helping you to clear the next Stage more easily.

The Support Items for consecutive Stage clearings consist of 3 steps, and once you clear the last Stage you have reached, you will level up to Step 1.
After leveling up to Step 1, when you start the next stage, the Step 1 Support Item will be randomly placed in the Stage.

There are up to 3 Steps in total, and after these 3 Steps have been reached, the Step 3 Support Items will be placed continuously until you fail to clear a Stage.

If you give up or fail a Stage, the consecutive clear chain will be reset, and if you clear the final Stage you have reached, the Support Item will level up to Step 1.
Example) If a Stage that you started after reaching step 2 fails, the Magic Watering Can will be reset to Step 0.

The Magic Watering Can Event opens irregularly and once it starts, you can find it in the information pop-up window or after clearing a Stage in the ready window before starting the next Stage.

※Important: Only normal Stages are subject to this Event, and Event/Special Stages such as Adventure Mode, Special Chapter, Bingo, Special Bingo, etc. are excluded from the clear conditions.